Thank You For Your Application!

We Will Be In Touch Within  24 Hours!

At CCD, we look for the best talent to join us, that’s why our hiring process is dynamic, flexible, and transparent. As our goal is to get the right culture fit for each position, please make sure to explore our website and to get a better understanding of what we do, the values we live by, and the customer service expectations we have of our future pioneers. 

From the application to the screening sessions, our recruitment team will be flexible and accessible to ensure everyone has the same opportunities. If you have any questions about your application, our two-way communication channel is by email:

Again, thank you for choosing CCD as the next step on your career path.

-CCD Recruitment Team

Your Journey at CCD Health as  A Specialist is About to Start.

In the meantime learn more about CCD Culture, our mission of simplifying healthcare and get ready for your interview.